Mastering Linux: 10 Advanced Linux Commands for Linux Users

Rakan Khaled
2 min readApr 5, 2024
Photo by Gabriel Heinzer on Unsplash

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Here are the top 10 advanced Linux commands for mid-level users, in my personal opinion, each one of us should know these commands and be comfortable with using them.

1) ifconfig – used to configure/display the kernel-resident network interfaces

ifconfig -a

2) netstat – displays various network related information such as network connections, routing tables, interface statistics and ports used

netstat -anpt

3) nslookup – A network utility program used to obtain information about Internet servers. As its name suggests, the utility finds name server information for domains by querying DNS.

 nslookup -query=mx

4) dig – is a tool for querying DNS nameservers for information about host addresses, mail exchanges, nameservers, and related information.

dig +nocomments

5) top/htop – Displays the processes of CPU, Mem and Load Avg


6) vi/vim (visual), emacs, nano – most commonly used editors in Linux.

vim /root/file.txt
nano /root/file.txt
emacs /root/file.txt

7) Rsync copies files and has a -P switch for a progress bar.

rsync -zvr IMG_5267\ copy\=33\ copy\=ok.jpg ~/Desktop/

8) mysqldump – take a backup of mysql database(s).

 mysqldump -u root -p  – all-databases > /root/backupfile.sql

9) uptime – verify what happened actually when the server was unattended.


10) w – output list of online users


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Rakan Khaled
Rakan Khaled

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